
August 7, 2013

Hello World! Part One: What This Blog Is All About

Hi there!

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Jessica.  I am the owner of a cute little Etsy shop - The Ruffled Pear - and am the mother of almost three kids (the third is due this Fall).  I am married to a pretty awesome guy.  I love Jesus.  Also, dark chocolate, reading and spending way too much time browsing Pinterest and Etsy.

I am a little nervous about starting this whole blog deal.  I mean, I'm me.  I'm not incredibly amazing.  I'm pretty darn normal actually.  But for some reason I can't leave the idea of blogging alone.  Just like that little entrepreneurial itch that kept surfacing over and over until I FINALLY launched The Ruffled Pear.  Four years in the making, y'all.

It comes down to this:

We are all unique.  We all have something special to share with the world, no matter how "normal" or "average" we feel.  Our life experiences are incredibly unique and so worthy of being shared with others.

I believe that about others and I believe that about myself.  So with a deep breath and a lot of borrowed confindence I present to you The Ruffled Pear blog.

What can you expect to find around here?  A combination of things, really.   The Ruffled Pear Blog exists as a place for me to tell my story as a creative mother.  Everything from starting and running a homegrown business, to mothering, to integrating creativity into daily life, will be talked about here.  I promise to share honestly the struggles, the joys, the challenges, the accomplishments because it's all beautiful and all worth it.   If any of these things resonate with you please, follow along!  Share your advice.  We are in this together!

(Part two is coming next!  Get to know more about me and my creative journey!) 

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